Sunday, August 31, 2014

Curvy Confessions, Confidence and OOTD...

I have a confession ... since I dropped off the Slimming World bandwagon and put the weight back on, I haven't been too concerned with what I wear. In fact I've hardly given it a second thought - the last time I went shopping was before I got married last November. 

I have been in a bit of a denial about the weight gain really and simply refused to purchase anything in a bigger size, after losing weight on the plan and being very happy at a size 12/14. But this hasn't helped matters at all, it has in fact I think hindered me. 

I used to love buying new clothes (both before and after doing Slimming World for the first time) and the fact that I have become complacent about my appearance has got me in a bit of a rut. Does this ring true with any of you ladies?

So to get back to feeling more myself I had a little clear-out, got rid of everything that doesn't fit (too big or too small) and only kept what actually fitted me. The worst thing is trying something from your own wardrobe on and having it be too small, I don't know about you but that just really puts a downer on my whole day.

What was left was actually pretty decent on the whole and I have had a mini-splurge online for a few bits and pieces that will update everything that's left. I'll upload a haul when everything has arrived.

So I thought I would make my Sunday posts Outfit of the Day posts. For this week I only have two outfits, but since I have decided to do OTTD posts it will give me the motivation I need to dress well everyday and hopefully every Sunday I will have seven detailed OOTD for you all. I'll also upload daily pictures to my Twitter and Instagram and would love you to share your OOTD with me too. You can find my Instagram and Twitter on the panel on the left.

So these are my Saturday OOTD. I went out and about vintage furniture shopping during the day then had a quick change to go meet a friend for dinner. Apologies about my dirty mirror and non-existent camera skills!

For my day outfit I'm wearing:

Black & White Flats - Matalan - £12 (which will be in the haul post)
Black Supersoft Skinny Jeans - Primark - £8
Black & White Stripe Oversize Jumper - H&M - £18

Curvy girls can absolutely wear skinny jeans. I think they look gorgeous paired with over-sized jumpers and flats or boots.

I was in a bit of a hurry to get changed and out the door again to meet my friend for dinner, but still wanted to make an effort. It was a casual dinner at a lovely local Chinese place so I stuck with the same flats and the handbag I had used during the day to save on time.

For my evening outfit I'm wearing:

Black & White Flats - Matalan - £12
Thick Black Tights - Primark - £2.50
Grey Swing Dress - Matalan - £14
Cream Oversize Cardigan - Tesco - sale item approx. £10

The only new item I'm wearing here are the black and white flats from Matalan, everything else was already in my wardrobe. It's amazing what you can find when you get rid of all the clothes that don't fit! What do you think?

Big Love,
Kiki x

Monday, August 25, 2014

Our new addition...

So rather than post a load of photos of the newest member of our little family, I thought I would do a (rather long at nearly 8 minutes) YouTube video. I'm not particularly skilled in any way at videoing or editing so it's not the best video I'm sure you have ever seen, but I thought it would be better to see their interaction on video.

He is a Bichon Frise and is almost 9 months old in the video - he is also afraid to come down the stairs. I am hoping he will grow out of this problem as he doesn't have a problem with any other stairs, but something about these ones freak him out a little!

Without further ado, I'd like you all to meet Peat -

Big love,

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Quick update on the past year....

So I've had a little think about how I'm going to sum up the goings-on of the past year without making it too drawn out and boring and have decided to just make a quick five point list, and if anyone is interested in hearing more detail about a particular thing just leave me a comment or send me a tweet (@MrsKirstyWJ) and I'll get on it... like a car bonnet - mad apologies about that, couldn't resist.

1. We bought a new house
2. We got married
3. We went on honeymoon
4. We renovated our new house
5. We got another puppy

I wish I would have documented the whole renovation process a bit more but to be honest it was buying the house and starting renovations that kept me away from here for so long. It was a really difficult task, especially because we were doing it on a spend as we earn basis so there was no bulk loan taken out for the work. Glad of this now... not so happy about it at the time, because everything was so slow and so much hard work even though we had a lot of help from friends and family. We are just putting the finishing touches to the house now - finishing off the front garden and the attic so at least I'll be able to share that with you as we do it.

Oh, and for all of you that followed my 'nothing tastes as good as skinny feels' blog where I uploaded a lot more diet related stuff, I just want to say that I am still eating healthily, not totally slimming world approved all the time but it's going good. I try to make a lot of freezable meals on Sundays as during the week I can be too busy to cook and don't want to resort to take-aways too much - not only for the healthy factor, but also for the pocket factor! I'll hopefully do a Sunday evening post with my meals for the week. And if anyone would be interested in me doing a food shopping haul video (of affordable healthy eating on a budget) let me know.

Talk later,

Kiki x

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Only me again...

So I've coming running back from wordpress with my tail between my legs (sort of!). I haven't totally given up on it and my blog over there is still live, if a little (okay a lot) outdated!

A lot has happened since my last post and I am working on a little post that will hopefully bring everyone up to date on what's been going on and what I've been doing! As you can see I still love the word little... little annoying, but hey, that's why you love me! Not desperate or anything... ha!

I'm going to do one longish post on here just to cover everything we have missed out on together... and then I'll just update as it happens from there.

I'm a bit reluctant to give up on the wordpress blog 100% so I may still update it too - maybe do daily blogs on one and weekly updates on the other... who knows... the web is our oyster!

Let me know your thoughts and feelings on the matter... but lets all try to be nice, we are all friends after all.

Big love,

Kiki x