Surprisingly, while most of the other competitors were complaining of ‘sore thighs’ and ‘tight calves’… I was busy moaning about my sore feet… then BAM I got a huge wave of déjà vu – I’ve done this before… complained about my feet in a major way… hmmmmmm…. Where oh where could I have been yakking on about my feet…. And then it hit me (not literally, thank gawd) - Munich.
It was Christmas 2008, all around me there were loved-up couples holding hands, friends laughing over hot gluhwein and children having impromptu snowball fights while their parents perused the festive stalls at the Christmas Market – it was all very picture-postcard and lovely but did I notice any of it – no….
Christmas Market in the Marienplatz
I had been walking around the cobbled streets of Munich all day in some cheap-ass heeled boots bought hastily in Dublin the day before I flew out and for some reason it seemed like the best idea in the world to wear them on the busiest day of our trip – it wasn’t.
By the end of our guided walking tour of the city I was ready to rip them off and cool my burning feet in snow… I refrained. However half way around the Bavarian BMW factory Production Mile tour I did de-shoe… the guide laughingly informed me that no one had ever walked the Production Mile tour without shoes before – my ‘tell me to put my shoes back on and die’ stare told him I would be the first.
Could have found good use for one of these
We left the BMW factory and as I reluctantly put my boots back on to catch the metro back into the centre of town I vowed I would pay a visit to the first shoe shop I found and buy myself a more suitable pair of shoes – as chance happens the first shop I came across had one pair of ‘mock ugg’ boots left – I like to call them muggs (hehe) – but they were one size too big – out of sheer pain I bought the too big boots along with two pairs of extra thick woolly socks – it did the trick. Heaven. It was like walking on mini pillows or squidey marshmallows.
After that I started to appreciate/enjoy/savour the trip a whole lot more. I’ll save sharing that trip in more detail for my next post.
Beer... 'nuff said
Lesson of travelling Numero Uno – Never, ever, ever, ever is it a good idea to wear heels on a city break – except to the bar (you can always find a noble, manly soul to carry you home)… ;)
Peace and love,
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